It has been, yet, another challenging year for everybody. Despite the improvements compared to 2020, we are not still back to a situation that we can call normality.

The images below were taken during each month of 2021. They capture moments that had special significance for me in different ways. Some were taken in pure isolation in Nature, moments that I find to be like therapy. Others were taken during some exciting concerts or great portrait sessions with musicians. Some of the images that stand out for me are, nº 7 from July, where I met with some old friends from primary school in Seville. Another one that stands out is nº 10, taken in Uganda, where I spent a few days documenting a filed trip for the NGO North-South Cooperation in a visit to some of their development projects in that country. This was quite an eye-opening experience that help me put into perspective what we consider to be challenging here in the wealthier world.

I would like to thank everyone who has been supportive of my work in any way during this year and I wish everyone a healthy and joyful holiday season and a hopefully better new year.

From the green heart of Europe,
Alfonso Salgueiro

Dec 2021
