Spanish photographer Alfonso Salgueiro Lora developed a keen interest in photography during his teenage years. What brought him into photography was the desire to document his first hiking adventures with friends to the hills and mountains of his native Andalusia. Having grown up in a very urban landscape in Seville, the rich natural world outside the city fascinated him.

Aside from his fascination with nature, he also developed a keen interest in music and started playing the guitar. Eventually this passion also led him to use his camera to document his early forays into music.

In 1995 Alfonso left his native Seville for Scotland, where he lived for five and a half years and later moved to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2001.

After some years learning languages and adapting to his new adoptive country he started discovering the rich natural world of the green heart of Europe. Forests have always been a source of fascination and Luxembourg is not short of wooded land. Taking his camera on his numerous hikes around the country helped Alfonso enjoy the landscapes of Luxembourg in multiple ways.

His intense love for photography and nature eventually led to being discovered by the various tourist offices of the country and later by the Philharmonie of Luxembourg concert hall. Gradually, photographing all sorts of art performances as well as the great outdoors of Luxembourg has become the main areas of work for Alfonso.

It has been like the closing of that first circle that started wanting to document his fascination with music and nature in his native Andalusia. Luxembourg has provided Alfonso with the great opportunity to express his passions and continue to capture the beauty of the natural and artistic worlds through the lens.

Alfonso’s work can be seen in many of the publications produced by the Philaharmonie. They feature regularly in the main newspapers in Luxembourg and abroad. The Espace POST in the Mercier building at Luxembourg-Gare and in Marnach host permanent exhibitions of Alfonso’s images.

Alfonso works on commission for some of the main tourist offices of the country, such as Visit Luxembourg and

Visit Éislek, and his images appear regularly in publications such as Luci magazine. He also offers private photography lessons as well as group workshops.

For further information or inquiries, please get in touch.