What a year 2020 has been. Nobody has been unaffected in one way or another by the global pandemic; health, family, work. Thinking about it, it might have been one of the most challenging years I have lived so far in my lifetime. The next few months look bleak, but at least there is a glimpse of hope that things will come back to some sort of normality.

I consider myself a bit of an introvert and this year has given me plenty of opportunity to spend time away from social interacting. In relation to photography, the current situation has given me the chance to explore it in a more personal and expressive way. I also realise I am more interested in the engagement with the world around me than the popularity of my photographs. If people like my work that's great but I want first and foremost to produce images that have meaning for me and hopefully for those who get to see them.

The images below were taken during each month of 2020. They capture moments that had special significance for me in different ways. Some were taken in pure isolation in Nature, moments that I find to be like therapy. Others were taken during some exciting concerts and a great portrait session for a theater play. One of the most significant moments of this year was caught in the last image from December, when I followed some musicians from the OPL bringing music to care homes and hospitals across Luxembourg to people that otherwise could not attend concerts or listen to live music. It was a very heartwarming experience..

I would like to thank everyone who has supported in any way my work during this year. I wish everyone a healthy and joyful holiday season and a better new year.

From the green heart of Europe,
Alfonso Salgueiro

Dec 2020
