Do you know how steel is made?
Volklinger Ironworks produced raw pig iron for over 100 years before it shut down in 1986. Now you can tour the old factory. These are some of the images that I took during my visit.
Depleted landscape
I visited Völklinger Ironworks to produce some photographs commissioned by the Philharmonie of Luxembourg. I didn't know about the existence of this place but as it turned out it is declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Eerie metal shapes
While walking around the site I could not stop thinking about the working conditions that the 17,000 people that worked at the factory at some point had to endure to keep production going 24 hours a day! The whole town of Volklinger sprung up just to support the metal production and its workers.
Metal galore
If you have the chance this site is well worth a visit. They usually have very interesting exibitions which add to the experience of visiting Völklingen. For more info
So to answer the question above, steel is a metal alloy made from a mixture of iron and carbon.