Most of the work I do as a photographer is for the Philharmonie of Luxembourg concert hall, yet I don't share most of those images on social media due to some rights restrictions and also because I have to admit most people know me as a landscape photographer.
Anoushka Shankar
For me the work I do at the Philharmonie concert hall is very fulfilling and exciting and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have the chance to combine two of my passions, photography and music.
The OPL cinema concert, Kubrick: 2001: A Space Odyssey
The variety of shows I get to photograph at the Philharmonie is impressive, I can get anything from a classical quartet to experimental jazz. I love that variety since my music taste is per se very eclectic.
I love my job as a photographer but one of the things I love the most is the fact that I do very different things. From photographing concerts, art performances, landscapes, architecture, events and the occasional environmental portrait I feel I will never get bored of doing the same thing. Surprisingly enough I find connections between these photographic fields and have been able to exchange techniques from them all.